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A white-tailed deer and fallow deer sniffing one another.

Meet the Animals: White-Tailed and Fallow Deer

Deerly beloved, we are gathered virtually here today to talk about one of the most underrated trios in the Zoo: our lovely white-tailed and fallow deer ladies.

White-tailed deer

Welcoming A White-Tailed Deer Fawn

Brevard Zoo recently welcome white-tailed deer fawn Plum to our Wild Florida loop! Plum can’t be released back to her natural habitat.

Clementine the white-tailed deer

Remembering Clementine

We made the extremely difficult, but compassionate decision to euthanize one of our beloved long-term Zoo residents, Clementine the white-tailed deer.


Meet Our New Deer!

We are pleased to provide a “forever home” to 10-month-old Persimmon!


Remembering Oakley

Due to deteriorating quality of life caused by cancer, we made the compassionate decision to euthanize Oakley the white-tailed deer on Tuesday afternoon.

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