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A Florida black bear cub

Caring for Another Orphaned Bear Cub

Brevard Zoo is now home to an orphaned female bear cub! She will be moved to our Wild Florida loop in the near future.

Florida black bear Cheyenne searches for sunflower seeds dispersed by a new environmental enrichment device.

Giving Our Black Bears a Unique Form of Enrichment

A new device will build on our animal care staff’s efforts and allow our bears to enjoy some extra enrichment with the opportunity to have some control over their environment as well.

Two Florida black bears stare at each other

Celebrate FebruBeary with our Florida black bears!

We’re calling this month “FebruBeary” in honor of our two Florida black bears, Brody and Cheyenne! Celebrate them with us!

Brody on the Mend

Following Brody’s MRI last month, we’re optimistic about this little bear’s future.

Give From the Heart: Enhancing Wellness Through Technology

We’re asking for your help to install at least one camera in every Zoo habitat.

Brody Gets an MRI Scan

Brody is one of the first bears in history to undergo this diagnostic procedure.

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