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Bubba the loggerhead sea turtle in his tank.

Releasing 375-pound Bubba the Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Brevard Zoo will be releasing one of its largest loggerhead sea turtle patients 375-plus-pound Bubba back to the ocean after a 3-month rehabilitation at the Zoo’s Sea Turtle Healing Center.

What’s the Deal with Barnacles?

If you’ve been following the content surrounding our Sea Turtle Healing Center for some time, it’s likely you’ve noticed a few hitchhikers on our sea turtle patients’ backs. These clingy, shelled critters are barnacles! But, are barnacles harmful to sea turtles? This answer is…it depends! 

McNubbins the sea turtle swimming

Saying a Temporary Goodbye to Sea Turtle McNubbins

Learn all about McNubbin’s story from Jessica Patterson, our Sea Turtle Healing Center Coordinator. While we are sad to say a temporary goodbye to this turtle-y amazing patient, we can’t wait to see her thrive in a more appropriate facility while her future home is being built.

Loggerhead sea turtle Bubba receives an exam.

Meet 375-pound Loggerhead Bubba!

Meet one of the largest loggerheads our Sea Turtle Healing Center has ever treated: Bubba! He is a healthy 375 pounds.

A green sea turtle

Saving Poppy’s Life

Poppy was found struggling on the surface of the water near the Sebastian Saltwater Marina Restaurant’s dock. While the severity of Poppy’s condition was not immediately known, it soon became clear that this was a dangerous situation for the little turtle.  

A loggerhead sea turtle swimming in a tank.

Releasing Curry the Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Brevard Zoo is releasing loggerhead sea turtle Curry on Feb. 28 after four months of rehabilitation in the Zoo’s Sea Turtle Healing Center.

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