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Caring for Monkey the Green Sea Turtle

One of our newest green sea turtle patients, Monkey, recently underwent a life-saving procedure at our Sea Turtle Healing Center with some help from an old friend. 

Brevard Zoo Named No. 6 in U.S.

Thank you to everyone who voted for us in this year’s 10Best Readers’ Choice Awards! Your support helped our Zoo be ranked the No. 6 best zoo AND our membership program as the No. 4 among zoos.  

Releasing Cupcake the Green Sea Turtle

We have some oh-so-sweet news: Cupcake the juvenile green sea turtle was privately released back to their ocean home after a nearly 3-month stay at our Sea Turtle Healing Center.  

roseate spoonbill chicks in their nest

Welcoming Roseate Spoonbill Chicks

We have some egg-citing news from our lorikeet aviary in Lands of Change: Three roseate spoonbill chicks have hatched to dad Spork and mom Rosa!

A baby black-handed spider monkey peers out from under their mother's arms.

Another Surprise for Our Spider Monkey Troop!

Read all about the newest addition to our black-handed spider monkey troop, Daisy and Mateo’s baby!

A woman holds a small sea turtle in her hands.

Meet Santa the Green Sea Turtle Patient

Meet Santa, a green sea turtle patient who came into our care during last year’s holiday season!

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