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Green sea turtle Pandemonium

Pandemonium will soon make their way back into the ocean!

We’re gearing up for a double sea turtle release! On Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 10 a.m., we plan to return juvenile green sea turtles Jackal and Pandemonium back to the ocean at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach. You’re invited to join us!

Although these sea turtles have differing rehabilitation stories, both were found sick or injured and brought to our Sea Turtle Healing Center for care.

Jackal arrived at our Healing Center in August of 2021 after being found in the Trident Basin during population studies by UCF’s Marine Turtle Research Group. This sea turtle had a fracture down their shell, potentially from a boat strike. Jackal had been prepared for release in the past, but a pre-release exam uncovered that they had osteomyelitis, a bone infection, in all four flippers. This affliction takes a long time to treat in sea turtle patients, which is the main reason why Jackal has been such a long-term patient at the Healing Center.

During their stay with us, Jackal has had a few sea turtle “roommates”, including McNubbins, who is non-releasable and looking for their forever home, Chopper, who is a current patient, and Venus, who was released earlier this year after a lengthy stay with us. According to staff, Jackal learned how to use many of their enrichments through watching McNubbins.

“Jackal could often be seen cruising through their tank, scratching on enrichment toys and checking out what staff and volunteers are up to,” said Shanon Gann, Sea Turtle Healing Center Manager.

After over a year of nutritional support, antibiotics, vitamins and veterinary care, Jackal is finally ready for their return to the ocean!

Pandemonium had a much shorter stay at the Healing Center, stranding in July of this year in Port Canaveral. This sea turtle was found with a rusted hook in their mouth with fishing line coming out of it. Upon their arrival, our staff was able to remove the hook and treat the injured area.

This sea turtle lives up to their name! “Pandemonium likes to try to steal food from their roommates if they can get away with it,” said Shanon. “This sea turtle is very active and quick and seems to enjoy scratching their shell and climbing over enrichment toys.”

Pandemonium was also deemed ready to release following nutritional support, antibiotic treatment and veterinary care.

You are invited to witness Jackal and Pandemonium’s releases on Tuesday, October 25 at 10 a.m. at Lori Wilson Park in Cocoa Beach. If you plan to attend, we suggest getting there early!

Have you found a sea turtle that needs help? Visit this page or call the Sea Turtle Preservation Society at 321-206-0646.

Want to help the Sea Turtle Healing Center? Support our Zoo, or view our Healing Center’s wishlist.