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McNubbins the sea turtle swimming

Saying a Temporary Goodbye to Sea Turtle McNubbins

Learn all about McNubbin’s story from Jessica Patterson, our Sea Turtle Healing Center Coordinator. While we are sad to say a temporary goodbye to this turtle-y amazing patient, we can’t wait to see her thrive in a more appropriate facility while her future home is being built.

A mother spider monkey holding their offspring.

Announcing Our New Spider Monkey Baby

We have some exciting news to tail you! Tika the black-handed spider monkey has given birth, and both Mom and baby are doing great.

Tawny frogmouth chick being held

Tawny Frogmouth Chicks Arrive

Our newest bundles of fluffy bird joy have arrived! Two tawny frogmouth chicks have hatched at our Zoo.

a masked lapwing portrait

Meet the Animals: Masked Lapwings

Meet our four masked lapwings! It may be a bit tricky to catch a glimpse of these ground-dwelling birds, but these birds will let you know they’re nearby with their high-pitched vocalizations, especially during breeding season.  

Loggerhead sea turtle Bubba receives an exam.

Meet 375-pound Loggerhead Bubba!

Meet one of the largest loggerheads our Sea Turtle Healing Center has ever treated: Bubba! He is a healthy 375 pounds.

Welcoming White-Nosed Coati Babies

Our Zoo is home to the first white-nosed coati births in about 7 years in a North American facility accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums.

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