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One of our rehabilitated sea turtle patients has headed back to the water – with a special piece of hardware!

Stromboli, a subadult green sea turtle, was released Sunday, July 30, at Melbourne Beach. This turtle is a part of the Sea Turtle Conservancy’s Tour de Turtles. This educational event tracks individual sea turtles for about three months. The Tour de Turtles “competitors” swim with the goal of being the turtle to swim the furthest distance during the migration marathon.

The day before the release, Stromboli was outfitted with a satellite tag, courtesy of a generous sponsor of Tour de Turtles, on their carapace, or the top of their shell. To learn more about the science of tracking, please visit the Tour de Turtles website.

Using this link, you’ll be able to see approximately where Stromboli, who is going be the name “Zee” for Tour de Turtles, is in the world!

Stromboli came to our Healing Center in February 2023 after consuming a ghost net, or a fishing net that was lost or abandoned in the ocean or waterway. UCF’s Marine Turtle Research Group caught Stromboli during a population study in Sebastian Inlet State Park, and the researchers saw the net coming out of Stromboli’s mouth. A single line of the net caused a deep furrow in the corner of this turtle’s mouth.

Stromboli the green sea turtle receives an endoscopy by veterinary staff.Part of the line was removed upon intake. Multiple endoscopies (a procedure where a camera is used to see into the body cavities), ultrasounds, and CT scans were performed to monitor the line and remove as much as possible. After 5 months of antibiotics, a good diet, enrichments, and care from our Healing Center team, volunteers, and vet staff, Stromboli is healthy and ready to be released!

We’re thrilled to not only have wished Stromboli well on their return to the ocean, but also to get the chance to see where this green sea turtle may travel!

As a reminder, entanglement in fishing equipment is one of the greatest threats to marine life. Remember to pack your gear before and after use, and place unwanted monofilament line in the designated bins at waterfront parks. If you accidentally hook a sea turtle call Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission at 1-888-404-FWCC.

Have you found a sea turtle that needs help? Visit this page or call the Sea Turtle Preservation Society at 321-206-0646.

Want to help the Sea Turtle Healing Center? Support our Zoo, or view our Healing Center’s wishlist.