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A lime green house with an interactive element in front of it.

Teeny Tiny House features different sustainability suggestions along with an interactive element!

A new way to learn about sustainable living has moved into our Conservation Kiosk! Our 4-foot, bright green Teeny Tiny House will provide a unique way to learn how to reduce your carbon footprint in your daily life – especially at home. Thank you to Embraer, whose grant made this new education tool possible! 

“While it may not be prudent for zoo staff to show up at every single person’s home to make sustainable living suggestions, creating a space to invite guests at the zoo to learn seemed more practical,” said conservation coordinator Alyssa Rice. “We wanted to find ways to teach, show, and engage our guests with very real, easy and impactful ways they can coexist with wildlife, and Teeny Tiny House does just that.” 

Each month, the kiosk will feature a a new sustainable action guests can take on at home. Look for suggestions on creating and maintaining wildlife-friendly homes and yards, energy and water efficiency education, composting tips, and recommendations for sustainable daily actions and purchases. We’ll also provide more information on resources and services available locally. Removing the guesswork from these decisions removes a barrier to behavior change enabling more of our community to make sustainable decisions. 

This small house will feature teeny tiny furniture, recycling bin, a rain barrel, insulation options, and hands-on elements and activities for children to enjoy. 

We hope Teeny Tiny House will be a source of fun and inspiration for our guests! Stop by the Conservation Kiosk near the front entrance of the Zoo for more.  

Brevard Zoo is an independent, not-for-profit organization that receives no recurring government funding for our operating costs. Your generous support enables us to continue to serve our community and continue our vital animal wellness, education and conservation programs.