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A bee on a container

Living with Bees

If you’ve visited our Zoo over the last few weeks, you may have noticed quite the buzz of bees, especially around our trash cans. We are encouraging these bees to avoid our main pathways by offering alternative feeding locations in different areas around the Zoo.

Two men inspect a bee hive.

Tending To Our Hives

This National Honey Bee Day, we’re taking a look inside the beehives at Brevard Zoo.

Honey being applied to turtle shell

Honey Is a Sweeter Kind of Medicine

We’ve told you about our busy bees before, but did you know they’re hard at work helping patients recover at our Sea Turtle Healing Center?

Zoo beehive

Better Bee-lieve It—We Need Bees!

Honey bees are more than buzzing insects. They are among nature’s hardest workers—one hive can pollinate up to 300 million flowers in one day!

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