This organization doesn’t just support elephants—it also helps grow populations of giraffe!
Our Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) initiative, which gives you the opportunity to “vote” for a conservation project on each visit to the Zoo, highlights three unique programs every three months. This fall, one of your choices is Elephant Connection Research Project (ECRP).
ECRP, based in Zambia, works to save diminishing giraffe and elephant populations through transfrontier conservation areas—which help reconnect isolated wildlife populations through cross-border landscapes—and satellite tracking.
By determining how giraffe and elephants utilize their landscapes, ECRP can identify threats to the connectivity of their populations and help enable wildlife movement between countries. The organization will use their Q4C funds to run trips in existing transfrontier areas to collect data.
To cast your vote for ECRP, visit the Zoo and drop your token into the corresponding Q4C box! Visit our blog for spotlights on this cycle’s other unique conservation projects.