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African wild dog

Less than 7,000 of these animals remain in their natural habitat.

Our Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) initiative, which gives you the opportunity to “vote” for a conservation project on each visit to the Zoo, highlights three unique programs every three months. This summer, one of your choices is African Wildlife Conservation Fund (AWCF).

The population of African wild dogs is declining due to ongoing habitat loss, wire snaring, road accidents, disease and conflict with farmers. With only 6,600 individuals left in their natural range, this intelligent and striking animal is in need of help.

AWCF is dedicated to the conservation of Africa’s largest carnivores, their flagship species being the African wild dog. This organization works to maintain healthy populations of wild dogs by monitoring populations, removing snares, assisting in anti-poaching efforts, carrying out research, administering annual rabies vaccinations and engaging with communities to promote human-wildlife coexistence.

To cast your vote for AWCF, visit the Zoo and drop your token into the corresponding Q4C box! Visit our blog for spotlights on this cycle’s other unique conservation projects.