Sadly, leopards have experienced population declines throughout their range.
Our Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) initiative, which gives you the opportunity to “vote” for a conservation project on each visit to the Zoo, highlights three unique programs every three months. This summer, one of your choices is African People & Wildlife (APW).
Lions, leopards and cheetahs have been under extreme pressure in northern Tanzania over the last two decades, largely due to poaching, habitat loss and a decrease in the availability of prey.
APW’s Northern Tanzania Big Cats Conservation Initiative is dedicated to protecting one of the world’s last remaining strongholds for these three species. This organization will use Q4C funds to support their team of “Warriors for Wildlife”—local people who act as ambassadors for big cats—and installing “living walls”—fortified corrals that keep livestock safe from predators. In doing so, APW aims to reduce conflict and increase the big cat population in the region.
To cast your vote for APW, visit the Zoo and drop your token into the corresponding Q4C box! And if you’re interested in lion conservation, you can check out what the Walt Disney Company is doing in tandem with the new Lion King movie here! Stay tuned for spotlights on this cycle’s other unique conservation projects.