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sea turtle treatment

We’ll soon be able to house and treat more sea turtles in need, like this one!

As the only sea turtle rehabilitation facility in Brevard County, our Sea Turtle Healing Center takes in an increasing number of sick and injured animals every year. We periodically find ourselves struggling to find space for new patients, which requires us to divide tanks or transfer sea turtles to facilities elsewhere in the state.

To better help the subadult loggerhead and juvenile green sea turtles we typically admit, we have been awarded a grant to expand our facility by 25 percent. Three eight-foot-wide tanks arrived earlier this month and are awaiting the installation of a concrete pad that will serve as their base.

We’re also adding a new protein skimmer and mixing tank to our life support systems to continue to provide exceptional care to the stranded sea turtles of Brevard and our neighboring counties. Stay tuned as this project progresses in the coming months!


sea turtle license plate

If you have a Florida sea turtle license plate, you contributed to our upcoming expansion!

This project is being funded in part by a grant awarded from the Sea Turtle Grants Program. The Sea Turtle Grants Program is funded from proceeds from the sale of the Florida Sea Turtle License Plate. Learn more at