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Kind Words: Florida Grasshopper Sparrows 

Male Florida grasshopper sparrows have two special songs: one to defend their breeding territory and one to attract a mate during nesting season. The Florida grasshopper sparrow is one of the few species that does this! We’re currently breeding this highly endangered species in a behind-the-scenes habitat.

If your own mate loves to hear kind words from you, don’t forget to have a special speech ready to build them up during your proposal.

Morticia and GomezLending a Helping Hand: Wrinkled Hornbills  

When preparing to lay her eggs, a female wrinkled hornbill uses a mixture of mud, food and feces to seal herself into a tree cavity for protection. At our Zoo, we give our female hornbill Morticia a nest box to simulate this tree cavity in their Lands of Change habitat. Her mate, Gomez, passes food through a tiny slit until the chick is grown enough to survive in the open forest. Together, they’ve raised six chicks together since 2007.

Similarly, your significant other might enjoy it if you took on some of the household chores or errands before popping the question.

two siamangs hanging from ropeSpending Time Together: Siamangs 

Our two siamangs, Pete and Sapphire, have been companions for nearly their entire lives – well over 35 years. It’s rare to see either of them far from the other on their island. They’re so close that when Sapphire underwent surgery in February 2022, Pete was brought to be with her while she recovered.

Does your companion love spending time together? Plan a special date leading up to your proposal!

Two Bolivian gray titi monkeys look at the camera.Cuddle: Bolivian Gray Titi Monkeys 

Tail-twining is a common sight to see among Bolivian gray titi monkeys – and not just between male-female relationships. All members of the family group might braid their tails with each other if they’re sitting close by. You might spot our two titi monkeys, a father-son pair named Bellini and Cooper respectively, doing just this in their habitat in our Rainforest Revealed loop!

If your loved one enjoys your physical presence, try twining your hands together!

Kenya crested guineafowlGive a gift: Crested guineafowl 

These monogamous birds form strong relationships with their partners – so strong that the male will literally run to give his mate delicious snacks. Our two crested guineafowl, female Bazooka and male Chiclet, can usually be found on Lemur Island in our Expedition Africa loop.

You might want to consider giving your own partner a gift of food or something they’d appreciate!

Brevard Zoo is an independent, not-for-profit organization that receives no recurring government funding for our operating costs. Your generous support enables us to continue to serve our community and continue our vital animal wellness, education and conservation programs.