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Snoot, a juvenile green sea turtle, receives IV fluids.

Snoot receives fluid therapy upon intake to the Healing Center.

Just two weeks ago, our Sea Turtle Healing Center admitted 13 green sea turtles over the course of a weekend; since then, we’ve been hard at work taking in even more patients. Between then and now, we have taken in an additional nine green sea turtles—six of which are still here.

On Thursday, March 14, we took in three juvenile green sea turtles, but they were all transferred the following day to Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

The following Wednesday, two juvenile green sea turtles were admitted—one of which unfortunately passed away shortly after. The other, now named Snoot, is already receiving medications and fluid therapy.

Four more juvenile green sea turtles were brought to us on Thursday, March 21. One of those patients, Squirt, was admitted with fibropapillomatosis tumors.

We still do not know what is causing this influx of new patients, but we are working hard as ever to get these little guys back out to the ocean. If you find a sea turtle that appears to be in distress, contact Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission or Sea Turtle Preservation Society.