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Skipper a green sea turtle

We’ll miss this little turtle!

Skipper, a young green sea turtle who’s been with us since February 23, is making her way back to sea on Thursday, June 21 at 3 p.m. at Hangar’s Beach near Patrick Air Force Base.

Skipper was so named because she was admitted on National Skip the Straw Day. It goes without saying that single-use straws and other plastic items pose a tremendous threat to marine life, so we’re asking everyone to demonstrate their commitment to sea turtles by bringing their reusable straw to the release and waving it as they bid farewell to Skipper!

If you don’t have a reusable straw, now is the perfect time to get one. They’re widely available online, but you may be able to find some at local Target stores if you need one ASAP for the release.