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Starting Manatee Rehabilitation Center Construction

We’re another step closer to bringing manatee rehabilitation to our Zoo! Construction has begun on our behind-the-scenes manatee rehabilitation facility, which will be the first in Brevard County. 


Building a Manatee Rehabilitation Facility

Brevard Zoo is building a manatee rehabilitation center on Zoo grounds this year in an effort to help this Florida species.

How We’re Helping Manatees

Your amazing generosity on Giving Tuesday has allowed us to establish a sizable team dedicated to helping rescue, recover and provision manatees.

Manatee release

Giving ZOOday: Help Us Support Manatees

This #GivingZOOday, Brevard Zoo is raising money to establish a manatee rescue team to help save this important species.

In the Field: Releasing Susan the Manatee

Safe travels, Susan!

A crew releases manatees

In the Field: Releasing a Manatee Duo

Zoo staff members were on hand to help an adult female manatee and her calf return to the Indian River Lagoon.

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