This bat may have big eyes, but it has an even bigger stomach!
Boo! October is Bat Appreciation Month, and we’re celebrating with some facts about these mysterious creatures. Bats are often misunderstood or looked at as a nuisance. However, they are very intelligent, adaptive animals that provide many benefits to humankind, most notably as heavy insect-eaters. Here are some facts you may not know about these unique animals:
Bats are also very important to humans because they are pollinators, meaning they distribute pollen to other flowers resulting in the production of fruit or seeds.
This month, you can support bat conservation right here at the Zoo! AfricanBats NPC, a group aimed at conserving the diversity of Africa’s bats through education, is one of our fall 2018 Quarters for Conservation (Q4C) projects. Twenty-five cents of each admission to the Zoo goes toward Q4C, where you will receive a “quarter” token to use to cast your vote for whichever conservation project most inspires you! If you’re feeling extra passionate, you are welcome to drop in “real” quarters or dollar bills to support a project.
You can also help these special creatures of the night by building your very own bat house! Bat species worldwide are experiencing habitat loss, so building a shelter can give our bat friends a safe and comfortable place to stay. Bat houses can be made from plywood, and painted a certain color based on your location.