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FrogWatch USA

Brevard Zoo's Mission

"We Share Our Joy of Nature to Help Wildlife and People Thrive"

Frogs are indicator species, and their populations are among the first to decline when environmental conditions take a turn for the worse. FrogWatch USA is a nationwide program facilitated by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums that relies on data from citizen scientists to assess the conservation status of native amphibians. A network of trained volunteers submit their findings to a database that helps ecologists determine which species are where and develop effective conservation strategies.

Upcoming FrogWatch Trainings ($10/person)

  • March 7 | 6 – 9 PM | Brevard Zoo
  • April 3 | 6 – 9 PM | Brevard Zoo

Private FrogWatch trainings are available upon request with a minimum of 10 (or more) paying participants! Recommended for ages 12 and up. FrogWatch programs are non-refundable and non-transferable.

For more information about this program, please contact outdoor programs coordinator Rachel Darling at 321.254.9453 x213 or