Diamondback Terrapin
Diamondback Terrapins

Brevard Zoo's Mission

"We Share Our Joy of Nature to Help Wildlife and People Thrive"


You can help terrapins! Please report sightings of diamondback terrapins in the Indian River Lagoon using our reporting form. Pictures and GPS coordinates are especially helpful!

Diamondback terrapins are unique turtles that live in brackish coastal habitats like our local Indian River Lagoon and are easily identified by the distinctive spotted pattern on their light-colored skin. There are seven subspecies of diamondback terrapin that live along the Atlantic coast from Massachusetts, down into the Florida Keys and around the Gulf coast to Texas; all are believed to be in decline due to historic over-harvesting, habitat destruction, crab trap mortalities and predation by animals, such as raccoons. The Florida east coast diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin tequesta) is the subspecies found in the Indian River Lagoon. Click here to view further information and photos about diamondback terrapins.

It’s a group effort! Terrapin sightings reported to the Zoo aid Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s terrapin research and conservation efforts.

The Zoo is also a pickup location for free bycatch reduction devices (BRD), a simple add-on to crab traps which prevent diamondback terrapins from entering the trap and accidentally drowning. Contact FWC’s Division of Marine Fisheries Management by phone at 850-487-0554 or by email at Marine@MyFWC.com for more information on where to get BRDs at no cost.


Diamondback terrapin sighting report form
How to install a BRD on your crab trap